Bishop's Water has a long history of bringing pure, clean water to the community. A family owned business, Bishop's mission is personal service.
Wilbert Bishop - Founder of Bishop's Water.
Kim Bishop with her father Bob Bishop
In 1957, at 46 years old Wilbert Bishop was employed by Carbo Bottlers. They were going out of business and selling off property and equipment. Wilbert purchased their seltzer bottles and glass 5 gallon bottles, along with their water coolers and their 1952 Dodge delivery truck.
Wilbert continued to get the seltzer bottles filled by Syfo Seltzer in Miami and 3 days a week sold seltzer, bottled water, water coolers and soft drinks to homes in Palm Beach County. In June 1959 when his son Bob, graduated from Lake Worth High School they started Bishop's Water Company and began making home and office deliveries of bottled water in glass, water coolers,seltzer water and soft drinks full time throughout Palm Beach County.
In 1973 Bob became sole distributor for Mountain Valley Spring Water in Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie and Indian River counties. His daughter Kim, upon her return from college in 1996 began working with her father and today oversees all aspects of the company.